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The SID and ESDR announce the launch of a new journal, JID Innovations

JID Innovations will focus on providing the world’s scientific community with open access to high quality, peer reviewed studies on all aspects of science related to skin and skin diseases.


The scope of JID Innovations is by design broad. As our subtitle — “Skin science from molecules to population health” — suggests, we will publish articles on all aspects of skin biology and pathology. We are interested in molecular mechanisms and population health.


JID Innovations invites submission of original scientific articles, clinical trial reports, case reports and case series, descriptions of methods and new technologies, reviews, and letters to the Editor. Areas of interest include all aspects of skin science from molecular studies to population health, including studies addressing the pathogenesis and treatment of skin diseases.


See the Full Press Release

Submit your article to this NEW open access journal. https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jidi)